Thursday, August 14, 2008

BaBy CrAzY!

These past couple of weeks I have been getting more and more baby hungry. I have a friend out here and she is pregnant and due in 4 weeks. I love running around with her and getting things ready!! We threw her a surprise baby shower and had all the wives came it was a blast! We also went to baby'r'us for the grand opening over here and they had all the fun little characters came out and of course my two favorite carebears and strawberry shortcake! I had to get my pics with them!! But they have the cutest little pack'n'plays and strollers!! Then yesterday we went to pottery barn for kids everything was ADORABLE! we were then checking out and I looked at her and said "I need a baby" lol its the truth!! I am for reals wanting one! haha

Then on top of all that...Jordan is also getting baby hungry. He is always playing with someones child out here. He will be the cutest father ever!! he loves to hold babies whenever he can! I know without a doubt that he will be an excellent father. We all are able to catch a pic with Jordan and some child...


  1. Oh I had so much fun at the baby shower. These are such cute pictures thanks for posting them. You are a good friend and babysitter for us all! You will be a great mom soon! Until then enjoy your freedom and you hubby!

  2. aww heather im being totally serious when i say that you and jordon would make EXCELLENT PARENTS! let me know when you actually do get pregnant!

  3. Heather-

    You are making me baby hungry for you! You two get to work!! All those photos of Jordan are so cute!

    I need to have Alec & Tiffany check those out! haha


  4. Your going to me such a good mommy! Just so you know I will still be calling you for parenting advise for years to come! haha
