Friday, November 14, 2008

Our cute babY!

SO I work at a clinic and we do ultrasounds there. So Wednesday I was talking to my boss and he said "hey u have a belly!! how far are u?!" I told him 14 weeks so he told me to run call my hubby and have him call in so we can do a sex check lol. Well we couldnt tell for 100% cuz im not that far along so im not sharing anything lol but here are some of our baby pics that they gave us!! its so nice to work at my department i love everyone there and its so nice to have an ultrasound tech there!! lol


  1. aww how sweet heather! you are gunna have to filll me in on what sex your baby is!

  2. Yay!! Doesn't that make you SO excited?? I love it.

  3. He or she is so sweet. Can't wait to know what your having. Hope you are feeling better.

  4. Yeah for little cousins! Sorry I called you on your anniversary, I totally forgot. I hope you have a wonderful night! YOu'll have to let me know what Jordan got ya!

  5. that is so exciting! we had our first ultrasound the other day! I still need to blog it! Its so awesome- i dont think anything can prepare you for that moment. when are yo udue again?

  6. Look at those cute pictures! What an awesome ultrasound tech you must have had. Well no I guess she must not be too awesome, because she couldn't give you 100% on that sex check. Just kidding. This is Heather C.
