Saturday, May 9, 2009

Still Prego

Yep still pregnant!! This little girl is not wanting to come out!! We had a doctors apt on Thursday and he said that she is extremely too high and my cervix is not getting ready. So he stripped my membrane which killed in hope that that would induce me but it didnt. With what went on with shani's delivery and with my baby not dropping we're thinking we might have to have a c-section! lol
On a good note this weekend we unpacked our last box!! YEA!! it's such a good feeling to know that everything is now put away!! We are getting excited and anxious for this baby to come!!


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture...I thought FOR SURE i'd come back from my honeymoon to hear that she was born...*sigh*

  2. c-sections are the best!!!

  3. we love you guys,she will be here before you know it! Looking forward to seeing you all! love mom

  4. oh man I HATED waiting, and Alice was 4 days late!!! I hope your little girl decides to come soon :)

  5. Come out baby so I can meet you!! She already gets excited to hear my voice! I know we are going to be best friends :)

  6. I had a c section with braydon. Hope you don't. I hated the recovery and wanted to get up and around sooner then i should have. Hope goes well with the baby. Tell Jordan i said hi!
