Tuesday, May 12, 2009

hanging in there!!

Yep dont worry we are still pregnant and its the day before our due date!! This little is not wanting to come out at all!! we have tried every single trick in the book. Nothing I mean nothing is working lol we find out tomorrow at our apt what the doc says and we are asking if we can be induced on saturday because this little girl is getting pretty big!! if u have any suggestions on how to go into labor please let us know!!


  1. I took a warm bath and the next day our little girl was born 4 days early.

  2. Eat Cafe Rio :P I don't know if it started anything... but that day (it was on a friday)I had my doctor's appointment and I was 3 days late and so it looked like that they were going to induce me on tuesday, and so that night we ate Cafe Rio just for fun and a few minutes after my Water Broke!

  3. Good Luck! Congratulations! She'll make it out soon enough!

  4. What a beautiful picture!!! Can't wait for her to be here!!!!!!! You're going to be such a great mother :D

  5. Heather!! I can't belive it!! ha ha You are too cute!!! Good luck with the delievery!

  6. Jump up and down a lot, run around, pump your milk, drink caster oil, and pray!
    I can't wait to see her! Are you going to bless her in utah or vegas?
    Who took these pics of you!? They are great!
