Here are more pics of Brighton! he is such a little cuddle bud!! My dad was able to come up on Friday and poor Heidi is sick and we had to leave her at home. Brighton has Jandis(how ever you spell it) and had to have a neon light on him all weekend! But we think he is doing better and gets tested this weekend! he is so fun and is starting to find his lungs lol. Shani and Chris are doing very good and are loving having him with them!! He is adorable!
Yesterday was my birthday! It was tons of and Jordan went out to this nice Italian place call La Vigna. It was delicious then we came home and Jordan said that because it was my birthday that we could rent high school musical 3 haha early that day I was also able to do another ultrasound! everything is looking good and either she is really really big or shes going to be coming a week early im hoping for the week early lol but she weighs 3lbs already and has hair!! we are so very excited for her to come along!